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Liam McEneaney and Constitutional Law Professor Corey Brettschneider. Colleen starts the show with the C word right out of the gate, so there’s that. David remembers Gary Shapiro who passed away last week. David talks about whether it’s possible to be friends with a Trump supporter. Liam and Colleen pester David about his love life until he finally confesses to a type of sex act. Eddie Pepitone talks about his two dogs Basil and Charlotte and how they lead him down dark dangerous alleys in bad neighborhoods because they want him dead so they can be free to chase squirrels. David defends the impending Writers strike insisting less television getting written is a good thing. Eddie and David try to cheer each other up by comparing their individual states of despair and anxiety. Eddie and David argue over whether or not America ended with a whimper of a bang. Professor Corey Brettschneider lightens things up by telling David that during the past 100 days he has never had more faith in the constitution, even though Donald Trump says he wants to get rid of it. David and Corey talk libel laws, First Amendment issues as well as Sullivan Versus The New York Times.
Produced by Alicia Cordova
Chef Jeremiah Tower is the father of California cuisine and the subject of the new documentary The Last Magnificent. We talk about Chez Panisse, Stars and how he created the whole farm to table movement.
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Chef Jeremiah Tower & Comedian Azhar Usman. David goes insane demanding to know why Ann Coulter won’t go away?
Three of the biggest names ever to come out of my hometown, San Francisco: Comedian Christopher Titus, Comedian Mark Pita, and, this is huge, Chef Jeremiah Tower, plus my new friend, one of Dave Chappelle’s favorite opening acts, and he’s writing for tomorrow night’s White House Correspondents Dinner, Comedian, Lawyer, Husband, Father, Son and Holy Ghost Azhar Usman. Christopher Titus is working on his eighth comedy special. Mark Pita recalls the early days of San Francisco comedy scene, his first Carson shot, and what it’s like to hang with your comedy heroes. Jeremiah Tower! If you know anything about food this is big, and if you don’t know anything about food you need to know who Jeremiah Tower is. It all starts with Jeremiah Tower. Before Mario Batali, before Thomas Keller’s The French Laundry, before Wolfgang Puck there was Jeremiah Tower who created the idea of a celebrity chef, he created not only California cuisine, he created American cuisine, he created farm to table he created the whole idea of being a locavore. He’s on the show today!
Produced by Alicia Cordova
Comics Steve Pearl, Rich Vos, Mr. Methane and Howie Klein. Steve Pearl is considered one of the funniest comics in the world by everyone who understands the art of comedy. It’s another star studded episode, and yes we have THAT Mr. Methane, the one Janeane Garofalo had to follow at the Just For Laughs Festival in Montreal. So much goodness, where to begin? Let’s start with Comic Brody Stevens who talks about the intersection between baseball and standup. Brody was a pitcher for ASU and has combined his love for the game with his love for comedy and it’s all about positive energy. Comic Bonnie McFarlane is an hysterical comic whose new book is You’re Better Than Me. She’s also a documentarian who hosts My Wife Hates Me the podcast with her husband “Comic” Rich Vos. Rich Vos jumps on the line because dinner isn’t ready. Then Comic Steve Pearl joins us from San Francisco. Steve is considered one of the funniest comedians ever, especially among comedy snobs in the Bay Area as well at the Comedy Store. Mr. Methane is the world’s leading anal vocalists, he joins us from Great Britain to discuss his instrument. And then Howie Klein, the founder and treasurer of the Blue America Pac talks Trump, Georgia and food.
Phil Hendrie is the greatest radio talk show host in the history of the medium. There is nobody funnier or better, not only that he reinvented the medium, and comedy while doing it. Go to www.PhilHendrieShow.com and become a member to gain access to 30,000 hours of his commercial free archives. If you don’t think Phil Hendrie is the greatest comedian every to do radio then you need to find another hobby because comedy ain’t your thing. Also on the program Mark Thompson, Bruce Smirnoff and Professor Corey Brettschneider. Speak out in the comments section below: