Comedian & Political Satirist Barry Crimmins on Trump’s sexual allegations, Bill Clinton’s scandals, Bernie Sanders, Obama’s character, the passing of Sidney Sheinberg, and the moral dilemma of whether or not David would ever have on someone who has been accused of sexual assault. Barry is the author of “Never Shake Hands With A War Criminal” and the subject of the documentary “Call Me Lucky.” Today’s podcast is brought to you by – earn $25 of free driving credit at
Comedian Jeff Kreisler stops by the ShowBriz Studios to play clips from “National Presents: Are There Any Triggers Here Tonight?”, which is the first album of The Final Edition, a satirical troupe founded by Jeff and legendary satirist Tony Hendra. Kreisler is the winner of the Bill Hicks Spirit Award for Thought Provoking Comedy, author of HarperCollins’ bestselling satire “Get Rich Cheating,” regular commentator on “Showbiz Tonight” and MSNBC, co-host of “Cheater & The Rude” on the Prog
Fan favorites Frank Conniff and Colleen Werthmann finally return again to discuss Tuner Classic Movies, Rod Serling, Green Acres, Jill Stein, Trump’s Tweets, the Clintons, Dwight Eisenhower and D-Day. Also, for $4.99, you can download the Kindle version of Frank Conniff’s new book Twenty Five Mystery Science Theater 3000 Films That Changed My Life In No Way Whatsoeverand read it right now!
Kelly Carlin on the release of her father’s new album, “I Kinda Like It When A Lot of People Die”, recorded the night before September 11th, 2001. George apparently felt releasing an album titled “I Kinda Like It When A Lot of People Die” right after 9/11 might not be a big seller. Now 15 years later, Kelly Carlin feels it’s finally time to share it with the world. Kelly is the author of “A Carlin Home Companion” and is also the host of the podcast Waking from the American Dream. Subscribe to our show on iTunes. More at
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Comedian Greg Fitzsimmons on love, sex, marriage, happiness, marketing, the jealousy of kids and colored underwear.
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Guest host Liam McEneaney has a peaceful and calm talk with Fred Stoller (My Seinfeld Year, Maybe We’ll Have You Back) and Rena Zager (Best Week Ever, Dave’s Old Porn) about living a quiet life of abundance and gratitude for the good things the world gives you.
Just kidding. It’s an hour-plus where everybody throws each other under the bus. Fred is mad at Rena for being a hypocrite, Rena is mad at producer Alex Brizel for throwing Fred under the bus at the green room of a Norm MacDonald show, and Liam throws Alex under the bus consistently and thoroughly to make Fred happy.
First, Liam and Fred Stoller talk to each other over the phone about the kinds of comedians that irritate him, and how his friend Rena Zager is a hypocrite for writing for Best Week Ever and enjoying certain “alt.” comedians he won’t name, and also The Best Show with Tom Scharpling. Then Liam decides that he wants to give Rena a chance to rebut, and reconvenes everybody for a rousing part 2, where Liam and Alex and Fred and Rena all yell at each other in a glorious climax of urban Jewish angst.
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“What I love about ‘The David Feldman Show’ is I’m listening to a middle-aged guy getting radicalized, but he still can’t stop telling dick jokes with his comic friends from the ’80s.” – Michael Brooks, The Michael Brooks Show
“I love how David gives both sides of a story: profound and anti-found.” – Congressman Alan Grayson
“A podcast for folks who believe that strong political convictions and a sense of humor do not have to be mutually exclusive.” – Nathan Rabin, The AV Club
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