Category: Top Stories

U.S. Says It Captured Suspected Leader of Benghazi Attack


Now what for Darrell Issa.

Now what for Darrell Issa?

While Republicans spent our time and yes our money trying to blame Obama for Benghazi, Barack Obama today went and caught the guy who did it.

Consider the waste just so Republicans could politicize a tragedy. Thirteen hearings, 25,000 pages of documents and 50 briefings.

A top Democrat serving on the House Armed Services Committee recently complained about the strain the GOP placed on our pentagon…

The department has devoted thousands of man-hours to responding to numerous and often repetitive congressional requests regarding Benghazi, which includes time devoted to approximately 50 congressional hearings, briefings and interviews which the department has led or participated in. The total cost of compliance with Benghazi-related congressional requests sent to the department and other agencies is estimated to be in the millions of dollars.

See how the GOP works? They’d rather slow the pentagon down than help it find the people behind the attack.

Unlike Bush and Cheney, when something bad happens on his watch President Obama fixes it. The Obamacare website is up and running. He catches the guy responsible for Benghazi.

Republicans are incompetent because they live in a world devoid of facts. That’s why 9/11 happened, and that’s why it took Obama to kill Bin Laden. There’s a very simple narrative to American history that the GOP will never shake. Hoover crashed the economy. FDR saved America. Bush almost wiped us out. Obama saved our country. That’s how history will record events no matter how much the GOP huffs and puffs.

And that’s why the GOP despises Obama. President Obama reminds the GOP of how ignorant and incompetent they are.



U.S. Says It Captured Suspected Leader of Benghazi Attack –

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Is Rick Perry Gay?

Rick Perry Gay

Originally Broadcast June 17, 2014

Rick Perry, the longest serving governor in Texas history, is eyeing another presidential campaign through his new Warby Parker glasses that make him look even gayer than he sounds.

Rumors about Perry and his personal chef have hung around the governor’s collar for years like the proverbial pearl necklace. You’d have to be blind not to see that Perry has been resisting homosexual urges since his youth. Maybe he hasn’t acted upon them. Maybe he’s strong enough to resist. Maybe that’s why last week Rick Perry compared homosexuality to alcoholism. Maybe Rick Perry sees homosexuality as something to be battled one day at a time, like the urge to suck down a bottle of Jim Beam or just some guy named Jim.

rick perry gay

Rick Perry’s comments about homosexuality are lethal. When young, impressionable men hear a governor talk about homosexuality as a choice, as an illness that can be cured, he is giving bullies license to pick on young gay men who often end up committing suicide. While Perry’s predecessor George W. Bush was a white knuckle drunk, Rick Perry is a red knuckle homosexual. Red knuckle homosexual because of all the blood on his hands from the gay men who get beaten up or kill themselves because of his vicious words cloaked in false scripture. More on this later but let me assure you Jesus despises Rick Perry.

So if there are any teenage boys listening right now, I want you to hear this. Homosexual sex is healthier than heterosexual sex especially when there are two men involved. Rick Perry is a very sick man. Alcoholism is a disease. Homosexuality is not. Alcoholism will destroy you. Homosexuality will destroy you only when you pretend you’re not a homosexual, the way Rick Perry does. Don’t listen to Rick Perry he is a very sick, dangerous and wicked man.

One day the truth about Rick Perry will come out, even though he won’t. But in the meantime understand that Rick Perry is insane. Hiding in the closet makes a man insane. It’s the kind of insanity that unfocuses the mind leaving that man incredibly stupid. It explains why Rick Perry is dumb, dumb as a rock that’s been spray painted with the words “Niggerhead Ranch.” That’s right, Rick Perry owned a spot called Niggerhead Ranch and he was too stupid to see how that might be offensive.

Rick Perry Gay

During a presidential debate in 2012 Perry tried to list the three federal agencies he would eliminate. But then suddenly he forgot which ones, turned to the moderator, shrugged and said, “Oops.”  The only person who doesn’t remember that epic meltdown is Rick Perry because he’s an idiot.
There was a time when that depth of stupidity, when looking into a camera and saying “Oops” heralded the end of a man’s political career. But we’re talking about the GOP where intelligence is a liability where “Oops” is how that other idiot Texas Governor explained away 9/11, Katrina, Iraq and the greatest economic meltdown since the Great Depression. Oops.

During yesterday’s interview with CNBC, Perry was asked whether homosexuality could be cured, to which Perry responded that’s for psychologists to decide. When the interviewer informed him that psychologists have already decided that homosexuality can’t be cured, especially since it’s not a disease Perry changed the subject still insisting he wasn’t a psychologist.

That’s the new Republican jujitsu move to deflect attention away from their insanity. Is Climate Change man made Speaker Boehner? How the hell should I know I’m not a climate scientist. If 99.9999 percent of climate scientists believe something then does that make it true? How the hell do I know I’m not a mathematician.

Try this, it works for everything. O.J. Did you murder your wife? How the hell would I know I’m not a detective.
Governor Perry was once asked if he believed capitol punishment reduced crime. He said he did believe that. When told there was not a single study to prove capitol punishment eliminated crime, Perry said, “Well I just believe it does.”

Rick Perry Gay

Dick Cheney, Donald Rumsfeld, Condi Rice and George Bush have all finally admitted that we never found WMDs in Iraq, and that Saddam Hussein had nothing to with 911. But that doesn’t stop publications like the Weekly Standard from insisting there were WMDs and Hussein did have something to do with 911. “Sorry, I just believe there were WMDs and Hussein was behind 911. Let’s just agree to disagree.” How about we just agree that you’re ignorant, insane, and a danger to the community.

Texas is going through its worst drought ever. In 2011 Governor Perry said it had nothing to do with the climate change caused by all those oil wells he’s drilling. Perry insisted Texans just weren’t praying hard enough, that’s why it wouldn’t rain. So he held a prayer rally at Reliant Stadium asking Jesus to make it rain. The drought got even worse and the Texas drought continues because Jesus doesn’t listen to you Governor Perry because you sicken him.

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The GOP’s Racist Past And Future

Republicans are never exactly clear why we need more guns. Sometimes Republicans say we need guns because civilization is breaking down and there’s nobody left to protect us. Other times Republicans say we need more guns because there’s too many people protecting us, those protectors being the police, and so we need guns to protect ourselves from the people protecting us. Republicans can’t agree on why we need more guns, they only agree we need more of them.

Laura Ingraham has a history of racism dating back to her days over at the Dartmouth Review.

Laura Ingraham has a history of racism dating back to her days over at the Dartmouth Review.

Republicans pull off this conflicted narrative by draping themselves in the flag. They just can’t seem to agree on which flag. Most Republicans love the American flag. That’s the flag we’re never supposed to burn because American soldiers died for that flag, killed by soldiers brandishing the Nazi and Confederate flags, two flags which, sadly, more and more Republicans seem to be embracing these days.

Take for example the married couple that killed those two Las Vegas police officers last weekend and left a swastika as their calling card. Before committing this act of domestic terrorism they lived with Fox News darling Cliven Bundy who earlier this year engaged in an armed standoff with federal agents coming to collect grazing fees in excess of one million dollars Bundy owed our Bureau of Land Management. Outgunned, our federal agents backed away. And so Hannity, Glenn Beck, Rush Limbaugh and Laura Ingraham let out a rebel yell embracing this act of treason and celebrated Bundy as an American folk hero. That is until Bundy had a few choice words to say about the Negro. That rebel yell of Hannity’s, Beck’s, Limbaugh’s and Ingraham’s immediately dissipated even though they all shared Bundy’s long shameful history of choice words about the Negro.

Never forget Eric Cantor hunter Laura Ingraham first came to the right wing’s attention while she was an undergraduate penning articles for the Dartmouth Review savagely mocking affirmative action, Ebonics and black music professors with “words about the Negro” most of her black targets considered racist. Whether right-wingers want to admit it, that swastika left at the Las Vegas crime scene with the two dead cops has found a cozy little home inside the Republican Party. Sean Hannity is always quick to point out that the Democratic Party played host to the Southern segregationists. But all that changed in 1964 when LBJ launched his Great Society. And so by the late ‘80s when Grand Wizard of the KKK David Duke ran for political office, he did it as a Republican. It’s been that way ever since.

Republican Speaker Boehner has complained privately about the Tea Party.

Republican Speaker Boehner has complained privately about the Tea Party.

Not all Republicans are racist, but most Tea Partiers are. Despite efforts by moderate Republicans earlier in the year to marginalize the Tea Party, the GOP is being hijacked by gun toting secessionists who hate our government, hate our police, and hate anyone who isn’t a white Christian. In private Republican Speaker John Boehner despises the Tea Party, but is too frightened to do anything about them.

Consider the plight of Laura Ingraham’s target Eric Cantor who was Majority Leader until he was defeated Tuesday by a Tea Party candidate even though Cantor did everything to placate the Tea Party except convert to Christianity. Eric Cantor’s a Jew, who discovered Tuesday there’s no place at the Tea Party for somebody who isn’t Christian.

The loudest voices in the GOP these days hate government, hate blacks, and hate anyone who isn’t Christian and at the same time are demanding their constitutional right to both privacy and guns. I don’t know where this all heading. I do know America is left with a choice: privacy or guns. We can no longer have both because the GOP has gone bat guano crazy. Just like after 911 America is under attack, this time by domestic right wing extremists demanding two things, guns and privacy. And they deserve neither.

Like most law abiding Americans if I have to choose between the police tapping our phones in order to keep an eye on America’s right wing lunatic fringe or these crazy ammo-toting Republicans with swastikas and Confederate flags who insist on their privacy—I’ll chose the police. Snoop away Big Brother. And while you’re in there, take away their guns.


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Watch: Chris Matthews Plants Blame For Iraq At The Feet Of Bush/Cheney

There are Americans serving life sentences for crimes that don’t come close to Bush’s invasion of Iraq.

Chris Matthews shreds ‘ideologues’ Bush and Cheney for sowing seeds of chaos in Iraq (via Raw Story )

MSNBC host Chris Matthews tore into former President George W. Bush and Vice President Dick Cheney on Friday, accusing them of putting Iraq on the road toward its current crisis by invading the country in 2003. “We were united after 9/11. They were…

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