Chef Jeremiah Tower & Comedian Azhar Usman. David goes insane demanding to know why Ann Coulter won’t go away?
Three of the biggest names ever to come out of my hometown, San Francisco: Comedian Christopher Titus, Comedian Mark Pita, and, this is huge, Chef Jeremiah Tower, plus my new friend, one of Dave Chappelle’s favorite opening acts, and he’s writing for tomorrow night’s White House Correspondents Dinner, Comedian, Lawyer, Husband, Father, Son and Holy Ghost Azhar Usman. Christopher Titus is working on his eighth comedy special. Mark Pita recalls the early days of San Francisco comedy scene, his first Carson shot, and what it’s like to hang with your comedy heroes. Jeremiah Tower! If you know anything about food this is big, and if you don’t know anything about food you need to know who Jeremiah Tower is. It all starts with Jeremiah Tower. Before Mario Batali, before Thomas Keller’s The French Laundry, before Wolfgang Puck there was Jeremiah Tower who created the idea of a celebrity chef, he created not only California cuisine, he created American cuisine, he created farm to table he created the whole idea of being a locavore. He’s on the show today!
Produced by Alicia Cordova