The Mop Up For January 14, 2020
Topics: Republicans hate Washington, they hate the administrative state, they hate government, they hate Democracy, they hate people of color, they hate the LGBTQ community, so do they hate America?
Guests With Time Stamps: 6:48 Henry Hakamaki, immunobiologist and host of “Guerrilla History” 33:12 Professor Ashok Kumar talks with Grace Jackson about striking farmers in India 1:34:09 Burt Ross, American Hero, columnist Malibu Times with Actor Comic Ethan Herschenfeld 2:00:32 Dr. Philip Herschenfeld, psychiatrist and son Ethan 2:31:02 The Rev. Barry W. Lynn, Americans United for Separation of Church and State 3:06:17 Emil Guillermo, host of the “PETA Podcast” and columnist for ALDEF 3:34:01 Colleen Werthmann, comedy writer from The Daily Show, Academy Awards, Mark Twain Prize, Michael Moore and Steve Martin 4:02:08 Roundtable Extraordinaire with Professor Adnan Husain, Professor Mary Anne Cummings, parks commissioner Aurora, Illinois, Professor Ian Faloona, environmentalist and Professor Jonathan Bick, political scientist 4:38:44 Zack Ford, press secretary for Alliance for Justice and LGBTQ activist 5:01:24 Professor Harvey J. Kaye, author of FDR on Democracy and Alan Minsky, executive director of Progressive Democrats of America 5:30:31 The Irritable Immunologist 6:07:00 Professor Guy Nicolucci, Emmy Award winning professor of screenwriting 6:31:26 Daniel Frankenberger’s Community Billboard 6:33:29 Alan Minsky, executive director of Progressive Democrats of America