Topics: Lauren Boebert, California Burnin’, CPAC, No Evil Foods In Financial Trouble
Guests With Time Stamps
3:00 David does The News 32:58 Pete Dominick, host of StandUP! With Pete Dominick 1:01:58 “I’m On My Way” written and performed by Professor Mike Steinel 1:03:58 Zack Ford, Press Secretary for Alliance for Justice and Queer Activist 1:40:39 Jim Earl, Emmy and Peabody award winning comedy writer and FBI Informant and Martha Previte, beloved voice of AOC, Nancy Pelosi and Melania 2:02:33 Howie Klein, founder and treasurer of The Blue America PAC introduces us to Bruno Amato who is running to unseat Republican Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy 2:35:08 David Cobb, who ran for president on The Green Party ticket, introduces us to Cheri Honkala, founder of The Poor People’s Army 3:25:06 “Billionaires In Space” written and performed by Professor Mike Steinel 3:29:27 Dan Frankenberger’s Community Billboard 3:41:27 Dr. Gina Hakamaki on The Insanity of the American Healthcare System 4:13:42 Professor Mary Anne Cummings, physics professor and parks commissioner Aurora, Illinois 5:07:33 Comedy Writer and Comedian Jon Ross 5:35:23 Henry Hakamaki talks with Rebecca Parson who is running for Washington’s 6th Congressional District.