The Mop Up For April 8, 2021
Topics: Matt Gaetz, Hunter Biden, Andrew Cuomo and other convincing arguments for chemical castration; Why doing Number 2 should now be called “Dropping a Bezos;” Amazon delivers a non-union vote in Bessemer; Biden takes on the NRA; Is there such a thing as a mathematical formula for writing sitcoms?; Biden’s Infrastructure Bill Hits A Pothole
Guests With Time Stamps:
4:07 David does The News 50:54 Dan Frankenberger’s Community Billboard 1:01:50 Jon Ross, writer/comedian and gentleman farmer 1:33:56 Mike Rowe, Emmy Award winning comedy writer, Futurama and Family Guy, and author of “It’s A Funny Thing: How the Professional Comedy Writing Business Made Me Fat and Bald” 2:06:30 Professor Ben Burgis, columnist for Jacobin, host of “Give Them an Argument,” whose latest book is, “Cancelling Comedians While The World Burns” 2:35:02 Professor Kristen Ghodsee author of “Why Women Have Better Sex Under Socialism: And Other Arguments for Economic Independence” talks with Professor Ann Li (Finally!!!) who teaches history of design and communication, and is currently researching geospatial information science & political economy along with Hannah Feldman, associate producer Ralph Nader Radio Hour 3:08:42 Dr. Philip Herschenfeld, Freudian psychoanalyst, and Ethan Herschenfeld, noted son of Dr. Philip Herschenfeld 3:36:03 Grace Jackson, Literary Hangover, talks with Matthew Dagher-Margosian, host of “The Arts of Travel” podcast and founder of Asia Art Tours 4:13:01 Henry Hakamaki talks with Professor Asatar Bair, who teaches economics and meditation 4:38:49 The Rev. Barry W. Lynn, Americans United for Separation of Church and State 5:16:30 Dr. Liam O’Mara, historian of ideas and political commentator 5:40:48 Zack Ford, LGBTQ Activist and press spokesperson for The Alliance for Justice 6:16:31 The Professors And Mary Anne: Professor Mary Anne Cummings, Professor Adnan Husain, Professor Jonathan Bick and Professor Ian Faloona 7:03:49 Professor Harvey J. Kaye, “FDR on Democracy,” and Alan Minsky, executive director of Progressive Democrats of America 7:37:50 Emil Guillermo, host of The PETA Podcast and columnist for ALDEF, the Asian American Legal Defense and Education Fund
The David Feldman Show features a diverse mixture of comedians, actors, professors, comedy writers and journalists talking about your world.