Down with Tyranny’s Howie Klein joins David to talk about the midterm elections. Plus, movie reviews from Michael Snyder.
Down with Tyranny’s Howie Klein joins David to talk about the midterm elections. Plus, movie reviews from Michael Snyder.
This week we talk about the real reasons behind the ebola outbreak, we celebrate civic heroes, and Ralph answers a listener question about the idea of a “basic income.”
Jamie Kilstein and Allison Kilkenny, the hosts of the daily podcast Citizen Radio, have a new book out called Newsfail, available now from Amazon and other online retailers. They stop by to talk about the current state of the news media, and how people get their news.
Then, Kelly Carlin, the host of Waking From The American Dream and Carlin’s Corner on Sirus XM drops in to talk about the upcoming dedication ceremony that Mayor Bill de Blasio signed into order that would allow the 400 block of West 121st Street to be renamed “George Carlin Way.” And on Oct. 22 at 1 pm at the corner of West 121st Street and Amsterdam Ave here in New York, family, friends and the comedy community will come together for a day-long celebration. Plus, Kelly talks about the upcoming book she’s written about her life with her father.
Spanish DJ duo The Zombie Kids are making it funky with BOOM ft. Snoop Dogg, by enlisting the creative talents of Sawe under the direction of Tomás Peña to create a genius animated video. With hip beats and Snoop Dogg’s badass flow, this video will melt your eyes!
Nazi dictator Adolf Hitler was addicted to meth-amphetamine, according to documentation recently released by U.S. intelligence services. Though it was well-known that Hitler was a hypochondriac surfing through life on a cocktail of drugs, the new disclosures include juicy details, such as that time he took meth before a meeting with Mussolini and “ranted nonstop for two hours.”
The Telegraph reports that he took 74 different medications, and was slamming it the final days of the war.
Wikipedia has the background on Hitler’s health troubles and the relentless diet of drugs that supposedly exacerbated them.
Bonus: Meth Head Goes Shopping
“I don’t mean it tastes like a candle smells. I mean it tastes like a candle tastes. Don’t ask me how I know that.”