Topics: Jimmy Dore; Paul Gosar; Josh Gottheimer; The end of policing; Build Back Better; Henry Kissinger; Theranos; Kyle Rittenhouse;
Guests With Time Codes:
00:22 Pig For Love written and performed by Professor Mike Steinel
5:20 David Does The News
9:12 Sam Seder (Majority Report)
1:08:17 Community Billboard with Dan Frankenberger and David engages with the YouTube live chatters.
1:33:41 Sergio Alcubilla (candidate for US House of Representatives, HI-1)
2:09:02 Roriki Hutchinson (“Weekly Marx”) with Alex Vitale (“The Critical Criminologist”, Professor of Sociology and Coordinator of the Policing and Social Justice Project at Brooklyn College) on the new edition of Alex Vitale’s book “The End of Policing”
2:34:27 Professor Ben Burgis (his new book is “Cancelling Comedians While The World Burns”) discusses his latest columns for Jacobin.
2:56:32 The Herschenfelds: Dr. Philip Herschenfeld (Freudian psychoanalyst), and Ethan Herschenfeld (his new comedy special “Thug, Thug Jew” is streaming on YouTube)
3:33:32 Emil Guillermo (host of the PETA Podcast, and columnist for The Asian American Legal Defense And Education Fund)
4:15:07 The Rev. Barry W. Lynn (Americans United for Separation of Church and State)
5:15:42 “Pig For Love” written and performed by Professor Mike Steinel
5:21:08 The Professors And Mary Anne: Professor Mary Anne Cummings and Professor Jonathan Bick
6:11:08 Professor Harvey J. Kaye (“FDR on Democracy”) and Alan Minsky (executive director of Progressive Democrats of America)