The Mop Up For February 26, 2021
Topics: West Virginia Senator Joe Manchin doesn’t want you to know where his daughter Heather’s 50 million dollar fortune comes from. How his connections got her a job at one of the world’s largest pharmaceutical companies. Or how he helped her get away with lying about her MBA, or how she price gouged Americans on EpiPens, jacked the price up by 600 percent and then moved her pharmaceutical company to The Netherlands to avoid paying taxes. He doesn’t want you to know any of this because he’s a Democrat who opposes an increase in the minimum wage, and the people of West Virginia, the poorest state in the Union, would be appalled by how greedy and craven he and his family of grifters are.
Guests With Time Stamps:
2:39 David does The News 37:21 Henry Hakamaki talks to Glyn Ford, author of “Talking to North Korea: Ending the Nuclear Standoff” and “North Korea on the Brink: Struggle for Survival” 1:04:20 Grace Jackson, Literary Hangover, and Roriki Hutchinson, Weekly Marx, talk with Yaseen Aslam, president of the App Drivers and Couriers Union and the lead claimant in the UK Supreme Court case Aslam V Uber 1:54:43 Dan Frankenberger In The Newsroom 2:04:26 Professor Harvey J. Kaye, “FDR on Democracy” and Alan Minsky, executive director of Progressive Democrats of America 2:37:29 Professor Ben Burgis, Jacobin and host of “Give Them An Argument” 3:03:25 Dr. Philip Hershenfeld, psychiatrist, and Comedian Ethan Herschenfeld, who’s latest comedy album is “Thug, Thug Jew” 3:31:16 Burt Ross, columnist Malibu Times 4:07:17 The Rev. Barry W. Lynn, Americans United for Separation of Church and State 5:05:23 Professor Adnan Husain, Professor Mary Anne Cummings, Professor Jonathan Bick, Professor Ian Faloona