Arizona Senator Krysten Sinema is running the Boston Marathon. Sinema says she doesn’t hope to win, she just plans to slow it down to a painful crawl by drawing needless attention to herself.
Guests With Time Stamps:
4:06 David Does The News: The Pandora Papers; America is the world’s biggest tax haven; Congressman Allen West is unvaccinated and has Covid; IATSE about to strike; Kellogg’s workers on strike; Kaiser Permanente workers on strike;
1:32:15 Jon Ross (comedy writer and farmer) has a problem with Attorney General Merrick Garland
2:00:43 Howie Klein (founder and treasurer of The Blue America PAC and author of Down With Tyranny) has a problem with Amazon and Facebook.
2:32:41 David Cobb (environmental activist and Green Party Presidential candidate) explains how Biden and Schumer could strong-arm Manchin and Sinema if they really wanted to pass Build Back Better.
3:05:03 Paul Lebow (Alliance for Just Money) explains money.
3:34:30 Mark Breslin (founder and president of Yuk Yuk’s, largest comedy chain in North America) is interrupted by his handsome son.
4:04:30 Dan Frankenberger’s Community Billboard
4:16:05 Professor Mary Anne Cummings (physicist and parks commissioner Aurora, Illinois) questions how much Biden really wants to pass Build Back Better.
4:44:00 Peter B. Collins (Bay Area Radio Hall of Fame) unravels the Supreme Court orals last week on Abu Zubaydeh and Guantanamo
5:16:21 Professor Mike Steinel (Jazz historian and Dylanologist) unveils his new song, “Daddy Don’t.”