Tag: celebrity

SiriusXM’s John Fugelsang 

SiriusXM’s John Fugelsang stops by to talk about his new series Page Six TV. Also Comics Liz Miele, Joe DeVito, and Melissa Stokoski. Professor Corey Brettschneider and Amanda Hitt, director of the Government Accountability Project’s Food Integrity Campaign, tells us why Trump is about to make bacon as dangerous for humans as it is for pigs.

John Fugelsang’s new TV show is Page Six TV.

John on staying positive:

I’m so full of gratitude that I’m finally having fun. Because the last couple of years of my life, I’ve been through so much death. Losing people close to me takes a toll, and now I’m sort of a recovering cynic. I’ve burned out on bad stuff. I have to be positive. Having a kid is horrible in that regard because I can’t be a negative dick anymore.

Produced by Alicia Cordova

Listen to entire episode here:

Visit him at www.johnfugelsang.com

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