Tag: Mitt Romney

Feldman’s Brain Is Oozing

Women who use non-oral hormonal contraceptives, like patches and vaginal rings, may be at a higher risk of blood clots. Finally some good news for Rick Santorum.

Mitt Romney told Republican supporters, “What I did in high school doesn’t prove I am a mean spirited bully who lacks empathy. Luckily, I have my tenure at Bain Capitol to prove that.

If you haven’t heard, when Mitt was a wee lad of just 18 he wrestled a homosexual classmate to the ground and then forcibly cut his hair as the boy cried out for help. I believe in the Mormon Church that’s called, “Punching Away The Gay.”

Mitt admitted this morning that he did do some things 50 years ago that he wishes he could take back. Hey It’s Mitt Romney. The guy wishes he could take back things he did 50 seconds ago.

And might I add I think it’s fabulous Bristol Palin can come out against same sex marriage and still find time to take care of her bastard child.

After years of only supporting same sex civil unions President Obama finally came out in favor of gay marriage saying it took several years for his position to evolve. Michele Bachmann said Obama was unfit for office since he believes in something as repulsive as evolution.

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A Moment Of Feldman

This week the French elected a new president

despite the fact that he fathered four children out of wedlock. Did I say “despite?” I meant because he fathered four children out of wedlock

The new president, Francoise Hollande, defeated Nicolai Sarkozy by debating him solely on how to fix the economy. Not gay marriage, abortion or contraception. How to fix the economy. Moron.

Tuesday was Election Day in America, and Indiana Senator Dick Lugar waged a valiant campaign against his female opponent Vagina Water Cannon.

Interesting side note about Dick Lugar. His porn name is Roger Nussbaum.

Mitt Romney insists he deserves some of the credit for the Auto Industry’s revival. By not getting elected president in 2008.

After 14 months on the campaign trail, Romney says he’s still deciding what his position is on immigration. The man is actually on the fence when it comes to a fence.

Cops say artist Thomas Kinkade died mixing alcohol and Valium. If Kinkaid wanted to completely dull his senses all he had to do was stare at his paintings.

McDonald’s is offering one thousand dollars to any school that allows Ronald McDonald into their classrooms to teach nutrition. Thereby making it the first time in human history a clown has ever made anyone laugh.



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Feldman’s Been Thinking

Yesterday Barack Obama landed in Afghanistan, or as Fox News reported, “President goes home.”

Mr. President? Going to Afghanistan is easy. The hard part is knowing when to leave.

On Wednesday Newt Gingrich officially broke it to his campaign that he was leaving it for a younger, hotter candidate.

Thereby making Mitt Romney the GOP’s presumptive nominee. So far Romney has spent $26 per vote, $200,000 per delegate in his campaign to bring fiscal discipline to Washington.

Mark Zuckerberg is now asking Facebook users to provide their organ donor status. Yeah, like Facebook doesn’t already know.

And Tuesday marked the one year anniversary of Osama Bin Laden’s death, or as Republicans call it, a day that will live in infamy.

The CIA claims Osama Bin Laden gave commands to his operatives using messages embedded inside porn videos. Well, at least that’s what the CIA told its wife when she walked in on it.

The CIA then announced plans to release Bin Laden’s diaries, which are said to reveal he considered changing al-Qaeda’s name… to Mellencamp.

Meanwhile John Brennan, President Obama’s chief counterterrorism advisor, says he envisions a day when al-Qaeda is no longer relevant. Sort of like our Bill of rights.

Yesterday was May Day. Occupy Wall Street urged Americans to take the day off from work, while Wall Street urged Americans to take the entire century off from work.


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The Worst Joke Ever Written

Private Schools should be outlawed. Florida picks Romney. And why Obama should be reelected. Another great roundtable with Jimmy Dore, Frank Conniff and Rick Overton. Please subscribe to our show on iTunes. The David Feldman Show is produced out of the KPFK studios in Southern California. If you can’t hear it in your town please tell your local public radio station about us. Thanks for listening.

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