Topics: GOP is the super spreader party; Stop comparing #BLM to January 6; Nina Turner; Andrew Cuomo; DeSantis; Obama turns 60; Nina Turner; Andrew Cuomo; DeSantis; Obama turns 60
Guests With Time Codes: 00:002:39 David does the News 33:21 Professor Ben Burgis, author of “Cancelling Comedians While The World Burns” on #NinaTurner1:10:23 Henry Hakamaki talks with Robert Hennelly, award-winning print and broadcast journalist, and author of the new book “Stuck Nation: Can the United States Change Course on Our History of Choosing Profits Over People?” (published by Democracy at Work) 1:42:03 Pete Dominick, host of StandUp! With Pete Dominick 2:13:06 Dr. Philip Herschenfeld, Freudian psychoanalyst and Ethan, whose comedy special “Thug Thug Jew” is streaming on YouTube 2:48:30 Dan Frankenberger’s Community Billboard 3:06:04 NINA TURNER WHAT HAPPENED? Professor Harvey J. Kaye, “FDR on Democracy” and Alan Minsky, executive director of Progressive Democrats of America 3:43:20 The Rev. Barry W. Lynn, Americans United for Separation of Church and State 4:39:27 Emil Guillermo, host of The Peta Podcast and columnist for the Asian American Legal Defense and Education Fund 5:28:19 The Professors and Mary Anne: Professor Mary Anne Cummings, Professor Ann Li; Professor Adnan Husain, Professor Jonathan Bick and Professor Ian Faloona 7:10:20 Benji Futrell calls from #Florida.