Topics: The right wing’s cancel culture; Rudy’s law license suspended; Britney fights for her life; Antivirus pioneer John McAfee found dead in Spanish prison, is Julian Assange next?
Guests With Time Stamps
3:09 David Does The News 22:08 “I’m Traveling Light” written and performed by Professor Mike Steinel 26:32 Pete Dominick experiences right wing cancel culture 1:04:05 Marc Cevasco, Congressman Ted Lieu’s chief of staff on infrastructure, voting and the January 6 insurrection 1:41:48 Professor Ben Burgis on student debt and why Marco Rubio is a phony populist 2:06:37 “I’m On My Way” written and performed by Professor Mike Steinel 2:09:36 Dr. Philip Herschenfeld and Ethan Herschenfeld on LSD and Sleep Hygiene 2:49:24 Comedian Rick Overton on the creative process, and why a background in jazz and improv makes you funny 3:13:33 Dan Frankenberger’s Community Billboard 3:24:53 David’s daughter milks a cow 3:28:44 The Rev. Barry W. Lynn on Mel Gibson, Matt Gaetz and The Supreme Court 4:37:38 The Professors and Mary Anne: Professor Mary Anne Cummings; Professor Ian Faloona; Professor Adnan Husain; Professor Jonathan Bick 5:46:59 Emil Guillermo, host of The PETA Podcast and columnist for AALDEF, the Asian American Legal Defense and Education Fund 6:20:15 Jim Earl, Emmy and Peabody award winning comedy writer, and Martha Previte, “Diabetic Fury”
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