Topics: Musk buys Twitter; Marine Le Pen’s nationalism not so national; Melissa Lucio; Ethiopia; Santa Claus is running for Congress; Ron Desantis takes on Disney; The GOP’s hatred for women; UFC worker’s rights; Free Juliane Assange; Why Twitter should pay you; Title 42; Biden’s failed China policy
Guests With Stamps:
0:55 David Does the News
57:36 Ethiopia explained. Professor Adnan Husain (“Guerrilla History” and “The Majlis” podcasts) w/ Awet T. Weldemichael (Professor and Queen’s National Scholar in African History at Queen’s University, Ontario; author of “Piracy in Somalia: Violence and Development in the Horn of Africa”) Awet T. Weldemichaelis Professor and Queen’s National Scholar at Queen’s University in Kingston, Ontario. He studies African History and the history of Southeast Asia. His research focuses on anticolonial wars, nationalism, and state formation, particularly maritime security off the Horn of Africa.
1:37:07 Jason Myles (co-host of “This is Revolution” podcast)
2:02:28 Howie Klein (founder and treasurer of The Blue America PAC and author of Down With Tyranny) w/ Santa Claus (candidate in Special Election for US House of Reps- AK) Howie Klein is the founder and treasurer of The Blue America PAC, and author of “Down With Tyranny.” Santa Claus is a candidate for the Special Election to complete Alaska Congressman Don Young’s current term, ending in January of 2023, in the U.S. House of Representatives. Santa is a two-term Councilman and current Mayor Pro Tem of the City of North Pole, Alaska. Santa Claus is an independent, progressive, democratic socialist. https://SantaClausforAlaska.com
2:31:09 David Cobb (environmental activist and Green Party Presidential candidate) Macron defeats Le Pen in France. What does that tell us? DeSantis vs Disney, What the hell is happening in Florida? Organized Labor and Enviros fighting back together again (finally)
2:58:33 Dr. Harriet Fraad (host of “Capitalism Hits Home”) The increasing misogyny in the right wing & Republican parties
3:34:55 Matt Lech (producer, “The Majority Report”, co-host, “Literary Hangover” and “Left Reckoning) UFC worker’s rights, Free Assange, & Twitter should pay you
4:05:03 Peter B. Collins (Bay Area Radio Hall of Fame) Wimpy Dems who want Biden to extend the unconstitutional Title 42 to reduce asylum requests from migrants at the border. Names will be named. Biden-Blinken’s bad policies toward China
4:33:33 Professor Mary Anne Cummings (physicist and parks commissioner Aurora, Illinois)
5:12:16 Professor Mike Steinel (Jazz historian and Dylanologist)