Much of today’s show is devoted to Comedy Miracle Gilbert Gottfried who died this week at the age of 67.
Topics: Remembering Gilbert Gottfried; Elon Musk tries to buy Twitter; Money for weapons but none for healthcare; Dianne Feinstein’s long goodbye; Did a bird poop on Biden?; Moskva ship sunk; Subway shooting; Congressional Progressive Caucus doesn’t endorse Nina Turner #GilbertGottfried #ElonMusk #Twitter #Moskva
Guests With Time Stamps:
02:02 David Does the News
47:15 “Stand Together’ written and performed by Professor Mike Steinel
52:10 Donald Trump invented Rap. (Robert Smigel)
55:25 “Ain’t No Chairs” written and performed by Professor Mike Steinel
1:00:23 Grace Jackson on China’s handling of the latest Covid lockdown. Also, is America’s talk over Ukraine pushing China into an alliance with Russia?
1:29:29 “Pig for Love” written and performed by Professor Mike Steinel
1:31:44 Professor Ben Burgis, columnist for Jacobin, talks about his latest piece on how Republicans have turned doing your taxes into a teachable moment on how to hate the government
1:58:36 The Herschenfelds: Dr. Philip Herschenfeld (Freudian psychoanalyst), and Ethan Herschenfeld (his new comedy special “Thug, Thug Jew” is streaming on YouTube) Gallows humor; psych meds; and do our pets go to heaven?
2:39:11 Emil Guillermo (host of the PETA Podcast, and columnist for The Asian American Legal Defense And Education Fund) Bong Bong might win; Jackie Robinson Day and Gilbert
3:01:40 The Rev. Barry W. Lynn (Americans United for Separation of Church and State) Donald Trump’s mental and physical health; and where are the peacemakers?
3:31:54 Mark Breslin (founder and president of Yuk Yuk’s, largest comedy chain in North America) Remembering Gilbert
4:00:23 The Professors And Mary Anne: Professors Mary Anne Cummings, Jonathan Bick, Ann Li, and Adnan Husain. Joe In Norway prepares Baklava Read Professor Ann Li https://dailykos.com/user/annieli
5:07:21 Alan Minsky (executive director of Progressive Democrats of America) with Meleiza Figueroa and Ali Meders-Knight who are using First Peoples’ wisdom to restore California forrests.