Law Professor Jody Armour whose new book is, “N*gga Theory: Race, Language, Unequal Justice, and the Law”; Constitutional Law Scholar Bruce Fein who served as deputy attorney general in the Reagan administration; Congressman Alan Grayson, author of “High Crimes: The Impeachment of Donald Trump;” Philosophy Professor Ben Burgis whose latest book is “Myth and Mayhem: A Liberal Critique of Jordan Peterson” and his new podcast is “Give Them an Argument“; Peabody and Emmy Award Winning Comedy Writer and Author Jim Earl; Screenwriter Dave Sirus, whose latest movie is “The King Of Staten Island” starring Pete Davidson, Marisa Tomei and Bill Burr. Directed by Judd Apatow; Dr. Jennifer Verdolin, author of “Raised By Animals” answers questions about your pets; American Hero Burt Ross, who created New Jersey’s right turn on red; Peabody Award Winning Comedian Pete Dominick host of “StandUP with Pete Dominick” ; Psychiatrist Dr. Philip Herschenfeld and his son Ethan; The Rev. Barry W. Lynn from Americans United for Separation of Church and State; Professor Harvey J. Kaye, author of “FDR on Democracy” and Professor and Parks Commissioner Mary Anne Cummings look back at the DNC convention and take your questions; Ask Henry Hakamaki.
Time Code: Congressman Alan Grayson (2:50) Constitutional Scholar Bruce Fein (25:46) Professor Jody Armour (1:01:19) Philosophy Professor Ben Burgis (1:55:56) Jim Earl (2:31:22) Dr. Philip Herschenfeld and his son Ethan (3:00:45) The Rev. Barry W. Lynn (3:33:20) Professors Harvey J. Kaye and Mary Anne Cummings (4:05:53) Dr. Jennifer Verdolin (5:00:25) Pete Dominick (5:56:33) Dave Sirus (6:17:54) Ask Henry (6:58:19)
Music By: Professor Mike Steinel, Jim Mahood and The Covid Players who are Lance Jeffries, Tom Webber and Kathleen Ashe
I’m on My Way written and performed by Professor Mike Steinel; Howie Klein Love Theme written and performed by Professor Mike Steinel; Harvey J. Kaye Love Theme written and performed by Professor Mike Steinel; Hard Time In The City written and performed by Professor Mike Steinel; Ain’t No Cane on The Brazos performed by The Covid Players; Dave Sirus Love Theme written and performed by Tim Mahood; No Evil Blues written and performed by Professor Mike Steinel; Hey Mr. Bezos written and performed by Professor Mike Steinel