The Mop Up For March 5, 2021
Topics: Gut the filibuster; Asian hatred on the rise in America due to Trump; Biden might get the vaccines right; Why Democrat’s stimulus bill could lift four million out of poverty
Guests With Time Stamps: 6:34 First Lady Melania Trump, AKA Martha Previte, and Jim Earl, Emmy and Peabody award winning comedy writer 18:37 Grace Jackson and Henry Hakamaki do The News 1:01:01 Professor Ben Burgis, author of the new book “Canceling Comedians While the World Burns” 1:36:21 Mike Rowe, Emmy award winning comedy writer and author of the new book “It’s A Funny Thing: How The Professional Comedy Writing Business Made Me Fat and Bald” 2:05:53 Dr. Philip Herschenfeld and Actor/Comedian Ethan Herschenfeld 2:34:57 Burt Ross, columnist Malibu Times 3:04:35 The Rev. Barry W. Lynn, Americans United for Separation of Church and State 4:03:30 Molly Basler, candidate for LA City Council talks with John Hays 4:35:29 Dan Frankenberger’s Community Billboard 4:42:41 Professor Mary Anne Cummings, Professor Adnan Husain, Professor Ian Faloona, Professor Jonathan Bick 5:32:42 Professor Harvey J. Kaye, “FDR on Democracy” and Alan Minsky, executive director of Progressive Democrats of America 6:04:49 Emil Guillermo, The PETA Podcast and columnist for The Asian American Legal Defense & Education Fund
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