Max Brooks, the critically acclaimed writer of World War Z, The Zombie Survival Guide, and The Harlem Hellfighters joins us to discuss his new comic book series The Extinction Parade. Then, comic madman Bob Rubin catches up with me to talk about his latest project Rube’s Bananaland Podcast. Jimmy Depetro gives us a run down of the New York Comic Con, and wrapping up the show is comedian/writer Hal Lublin from The Thrilling Adventure Hour & Welcome to Night Vale.
Category: Comedians
Citizen Radio & Kelly Carlin
Jamie Kilstein and Allison Kilkenny, the hosts of the daily podcast Citizen Radio, have a new book out called Newsfail, available now from Amazon and other online retailers. They stop by to talk about the current state of the news media, and how people get their news.
Then, Kelly Carlin, the host of Waking From The American Dream and Carlin’s Corner on Sirus XM drops in to talk about the upcoming dedication ceremony that Mayor Bill de Blasio signed into order that would allow the 400 block of West 121st Street to be renamed “George Carlin Way.” And on Oct. 22 at 1 pm at the corner of West 121st Street and Amsterdam Ave here in New York, family, friends and the comedy community will come together for a day-long celebration. Plus, Kelly talks about the upcoming book she’s written about her life with her father.
Kira Soltanovich Returns
The always brilliant and ever so funny Kira Soltanovich returns to the show, and David and her discuss how the Irish and Jews have more in common than you think. Plus, Jimmy Lee Wirt has more costume ideas from
David Goes At It With Henriette & Judy
David goes at it with Henriette Mantel and Judy Gold, plus Pacifica Radio’s John Matthew on the epidemic of rape on college campuses, and what California’s governor Jerry Brown is doing about it.
Jordan Brady
Comedian/director Jordan Brady stops by the show to talk with Laura House and Jerry Stahl about his latest documentary ‘I Am Road Comic‘, which is both available for viewing on Hulu as well as for purchase at It’s a fantastic film about the life a road comic, so don’t miss it. Also on the show, political satirist Will Durst chats about his new one man show, Steve Skrovan talks about this weeks Ralph Nader Radio Hour, and Pacific Radio’s John Matthews weighs in on the high cost of college.
Judy Gold & Henriette Mantel
On today’s program, David kick’s off the show with a commentary about the ongoing situation in Ferguson, Missouri. Then he’s joined by comedian’s Judy Gold and Henriette Mantel for a great conversation about when a joke is a joke, and when it’s just bad taste. It’s a lively discussion, so strap yourself in for about an hour and hang on!