Comedian Kevin Rooney & Carole Raphalle Davis report in from France about the recent terrorist events surrounding Charlie Hebdo. Then, an exclusive clip from the Ralph Nader Radio Hour. Also, Howie Klein.
Comedian Kevin Rooney & Carole Raphalle Davis report in from France about the recent terrorist events surrounding Charlie Hebdo. Then, an exclusive clip from the Ralph Nader Radio Hour. Also, Howie Klein.
Atheists now outnumber Jews and Muslims in America as the number of Americans turning their backs on organized religion has jumped in the past decade. Our guest Phil Zuckerman is author of “Living the Secular Life: New Answers to Old Questions.“ Professor Zuckerman teaches sociology at Pitzer College. He is the author of several books, including Society Without God (2008) for which he won ForeWord Magazine’s silver book of the year award, and Faith No More (2011.)
Professor of Law Jody Armour joins the show today to talk with David about Bill Cosby, Michael Brown and Eric Garner, and the state of racism in America today.
Ralph Nader on Ferguson, Ian Milheisner from the Nation Magazine on the Supreme Court and the recent events surrounding the death of Eric Garner. Then, Lenzi Sheible, the president of fundtexaswomen.org on her efforts to help low income women get abortions. Michael Snyder with movie reviews. And finally, Kim Sturla, the excecutive director of Animal Place talks about adopting rescue chickens as pets.
Jimmy Pardo, the host of Never Not Funny joins the show for an hour of laughs and wheezes from David who’s got a head cold. Jimmy talks about the upcoming annual Pardcast-A-Thon which raises money for Smile Train. Be sure to watch the Pardcast-A-Thon on November 28th, streaming on your favorite device. And while you’re watching, please donate to Smile Train!
Dr. Eileen Kennedy Moore talks about childhood bullying , Howie Klein with some good news that came from the Mid Term Elections, Michael Snyder reviews the latest movies, Steve Skrovan calls in from India to tell us about the new version of Everybody Loves Raymond that’s being developed for that country, and Pacifica Radio’s John Matthews weighs in on civil asset forfeiture.