Cow Farts Cause German Barn to Explode

German fire officials say a massive explosion inside a barn housing 90 dairy cows was sparked by the buildup of methane from cow flatulence. Officials from Rasdorf, Germany say one cow was slightly injured and another suffered minor burns after static electricity triggered the explosion.

A single cow emits 500 liters of methane each day.

A single cow emits 500 liters of methane each day.

Utility workers later measured methane levels around what was left of the barn and concluded the explosion was caused by the buildup of cow flatulence inside the cramped quarters.

Cow flatulence is one one of the leading causes of global warming. According to the BBC, a single cow emits 500 liters of methane each day.

Read below:

METHANE MADNESS: More cows, more farts, more GHG emissions (via The Mindful Word)

Cows are controversial. You can get jail time if you kill one in India or you can get a full belly (and perhaps some indigestion) if you eat one in the West. Cow farts and burps are responsible for so much greenhouse gas emissions that the UN has even…