Today’s Topics: We remember Anthropologist and Occupy Wall Street Leader David Graeber, author of “Bullshit Jobs;” Do cats feel remorse?; Why nightmares are actually healing; Trump tells his supporters to vote twice; And America’s Left must inform Biden immediately that their vote is contingent solely upon Medicare For All.
Frank Conniff and Judy Gold Together Again, Episode 1170
Today’s topics: Wisconsin on fire, the cops are getting worse, BLM, Alpha Males, humiliation, Steve Mnuchin’s three marriages, dogs on chains and the Massachusetts primary.
Guests: Comic Judy Gold, author of “You Can’t Say That” joins Comedy Giant Frank Conniff; Jackie “The Joke Man” Martling; Comic, Sex Educator, and Texas Politician Kelly Stone; David “Citizen” Bacon reports from Trump’s rally in New Hampshire; Jazz Professor Mike Steinel; Mark Breslin, the founder and president of Yuk Yuk’s; Comic Aaron Berg, whose new special “25 Sets” is streaming on iTunes and Amazon; Pete Dominick host of the “StandUP! with Pete Dominick Podcast“; Screenwriter Dave Sirus; PETA Podcast’s Emil Guillermo; Down With Tyranny’s Howie Klein; Dr. Harriet Fraad host of “When Capitalism Hits Home“; Professor Adnan Husain; Author of “FDR on Democracy,” Professor Harvey J. Kaye.
The Diabetes Pandemic, 1169
34.2 million Americans have diabetes, that’s 10.5% of the US population. 88 million Americans, 18 years or older, have prediabetes, that’s 34.5% of the adult US population. As America’s eating habits spread throughout the world, diabetes is now a global pandemic.
On Today’s Episode: Our first Diabetes Town Hall; Two Democratic Progressive candidates for Congress; an update on No Evil Foods’ union busting efforts and a look back at the horror show that was the GOP convention.
Jerry Falls Well That Ends Well Jr., Episode 1168
From The Daily Show With Trevor Noah, Comedian Josh Johnson; The Washington Post’s Helaine Olen reflects on the first night of the GOP convention; Tim Schwab, from the Columbia Journalism Review, on his recent investigation into how Bill Gates’ donations of more than $250 million into non-profit news organization shape coverage of Gates, Microsoft and the Gates Foundation; The Rev. Barry W. Lynn from Americans United For Separation of Church and State on Jerry Falwell Jr.; Mark Breslin, the founder and president of Yuk Yuk’s— the largest comedy chain in North America; The host of the PETA Podcast, Emil Guillermo who writes a weekly column for the Asian American Legal Defense And Education Fund; Kelly Stone, comedian, sex educator, and Texas politician; Comic Aaron Berg whose special “25 Sets” is streaming on Amazon and iTunes; Down with Tyranny’s Howie Klein, founder and treasurer of the Blue America PAC; Author of “War Made Easy” Norman Solomon on “Why the Left Must Reject and Elect Biden at the Same Time” ; Dr. Harriet Fraad, host of “When Capitalism Hits Home” and “It’s Not Just In Your Head”; Professor Harvey J. Kaye author of “FDR On Democracy“; Democratic Strategist, from the far reaches of the left, Jeff Blackwood; Covid-19 Town Hall with The Irritable Immunologist and Immuno Biologist Henry Hakamaki ; Comedy Writer and Gentleman Farmer Jon Ross addresses the concerns of our listeners
Professor Jody Armour’s “N*gga Theory” Episode 1167
Law Professor Jody Armour whose new book is, “N*gga Theory: Race, Language, Unequal Justice, and the Law”; Constitutional Law Scholar Bruce Fein who served as deputy attorney general in the Reagan administration; Congressman Alan Grayson, author of “High Crimes: The Impeachment of Donald Trump;” Philosophy Professor Ben Burgis whose latest book is “Myth and Mayhem: A Liberal Critique of Jordan Peterson” and his new podcast is “Give Them an Argument“; Peabody and Emmy Award Winning Comedy Writer and Author Jim Earl; Screenwriter Dave Sirus, whose latest movie is “The King Of Staten Island” starring Pete Davidson, Marisa Tomei and Bill Burr. Directed by Judd Apatow; Dr. Jennifer Verdolin, author of “Raised By Animals” answers questions about your pets; American Hero Burt Ross, who created New Jersey’s right turn on red; Peabody Award Winning Comedian Pete Dominick host of “StandUP with Pete Dominick” ; Psychiatrist Dr. Philip Herschenfeld and his son Ethan; The Rev. Barry W. Lynn from Americans United for Separation of Church and State; Professor Harvey J. Kaye, author of “FDR on Democracy” and Professor and Parks Commissioner Mary Anne Cummings look back at the DNC convention and take your questions; Ask Henry Hakamaki.
We Stand With Shahid Buttar, Episode 1166
Shahid Buttar is running for Congress as a Democratic Socialist. On today’s show, he fends off coordinated attacks against his reputation and demonstrates why, now more than ever, he must defeat neoliberal lap dog Nancy Pelosi; Down With Tyranny’s Howie Klein, founder and treasurer of The Blue America PAC, calls the sexual harassment accusations against Shahid Buttar a DCCC hit job and declares he’s maxing out his donations to Shahid’s campaign; Professor Harvey J. Kaye, author of “F.D.R. On Democracy;” Dr. Harriet Fraad, host of “When Capitalism Hits Home” and “It’s Not Just In Your Head;” Comic Judy Gold, author of “Yes I Can Say That;” Kelly Stone, sex educator, comedian, baby momma and candidate; Timothy Ulrich from China Global Television Network talks to us from Inner Mongolia; Comedian Aaron Berg, whose latest special “25 Sets” is streaming on Amazon and iTunes; The Founder and President of Yuk Yuk’s, North America’s Largest Comedy Chain, Mark Breslin; Folklore Archivist Nicole Penney discusses infamous yoga positions that involve sucking liquid from a glass without using one’s hands or mouth. WARNING: While anthropological in scope, the conversation is not suitable for people who consider themselves suitable; Jazz Historian Mike Steinel talks and then sings about wealth inequality; Emil Guillermo, host of The PETA Podcast; Medieval European and Middle Eastern Historian Professor Adnan Husain; Covid 19 Town Hall with The Irritable Immunologist and Immuno Biologist Henry Hakamaki; Jackie “The Joke Man” Martling