Today we focus on Joe Biden and National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan who are lying when they claim they’re building a case to bring Vladimir Putin before the International Criminal Court. Sullivan and Biden are insulting the American people’s intelligence. America CAN’T become a signatory to the International Criminal Court because Bush, Cheney, Rice, Clinton, and Kissinger are ALL guilty of the same crimes as Putin. Topics: Marine La Pen; FBI loses their Wolverine militia sting; Austrian Chancellor meets with Putin; Finland and Sweden could join NATO; Covid’s back but it’s going away so wear a mask but don’t wear one
Guests With Time Codes:
0:37 David Does the News
1:06:08 “Stand Together” written and performed by Professor Mike Steinel
1:10:25 Comedy Writer Jon Ross
1:33:13 Donald Trump (Robert Smigel)
1:35:04 Peace Talks with Texas Tom Weber
2:01:37 Howie Klein, founder and treasurer of The Blue America PAC, and author of “Down With Tyranny.”
2:33:05 David Pepper author of “Laboratories of Autocracy: A Wake-Up Call from Behind the Lines.”
3:13:12 Dr. Harriet Fraad on mental illness, biochemical imbalances and psych meds. One in four American adults are hooked on psych meds.
3:37:21 “I’m Traveling Light” written and performed by Professor Mike Steinel
3:41:00 Jason Myles and Pascal Robert co-hosts of “This is Revolution” discuss philanthrocapitalism
4:11:13 Peter B. Collins on the collapse of the FBI’s frame up of the Wolverine militia in Michigan
4:34:41 Professor Mary Anne Cummings
5:41:59 Professor Mike Steinel
6:03:36 “For The Refugee” written and performed by Professor Mike Steinel