We focus on Alex Jones, and how he and other pathological liars found wealth hawking guns, dietary supplements, conspiracy theories and Donald Trump. During the show we learn a jury ordered Alex Jones to pay parents of a Sandy Hook shooting victim $4 million in compensatory damages. Is Jones capable of remorse? Can a psychopath like Alex Jones ever be cured? Topics: Cops who killed Breonna Taylor finally charged; Nancy in Taiwan; Ron DeSantis thinks gay people more dangerous than Monkeypox; what’s in the new Inflation Reduction Act #AlexJonesVerdict #BreonnaTaylor #DavidFeldmanShow
00:03:07 Monkeypox is catching on!
00:03:33 Ron DeSantis says Monkeypox no big deal
00:03:50 Brittney Griner found guilty in Russia
00:04:26 Liars
00:05:07 Police lie. Especially in Kentucky
00:05:40 Louisville, Kentucky police charged by Justice Department in the murder of Breonna Taylor
00:06:29 Why did Breonna Taylor’s boyfriend Kenneth Walker think it was a home invasion and not a police raid?
00:07:08 Police wore bullet proof vests but no body cameras
00:07:58 Merrick Garland says police lied to get the warrant to search Breonna Taylor’s apartment, so says Justice Department
00:09:50 No cops charged, but Breonna’s boyfriend was charged with “attempted murder”
00:10:29 The National Rifle Association never defends black gun owners
00:13:20 Why didn’t Congressman Clay Higgins defend Breonna Taylor’s boyfriend?
00:16:34 Why the NRA and Louisville cops hate the federal government
00:17:31 No knock warrants get people killed
00:18:58 Police lied about Breonna Taylor’s boyfriend being a drug dealer
00:19:55 Alex Jones’ trial is amazing
00:20:56 Alex Jones helped organize the January 6 Stop The Steal rally in Washington
00:21:25 Jones is a close friend of The Oath Keepers and Ali Alexander
00:22:48 Jones led the charge towards the Capitol after Trump’s speech
00:26:57 Why did Capitol Police issue six permits allowing Stop The Steal to protest outside the Capitol?
00:31:48 The January 6 Committee wants Alex Jones phone records
00:32:09 Alex Jones’ cell phone contains pictures of nude children
00:33:09 Why exactly is Alex Jones on trial right now?
00:35:12 What does it mean when they say Alex Jones defaulted on the four defamation lawsuits filed against him?
00:36:19 David explains the “Perry Mason moment” in Alex Jones’ trial
00:39:42 David’s favorite clip from the Alex Jones trial this week
00:40:38 Jerry Nadler versus Carolyn Maloney for New York’s 12th congressional district
00:41:23 Maloney says Biden isn’t running for reelection
00:42:06 Arizona primary results
00:43:50 Missouri primary results
00:47:28 Nancy Pelosi goes to Taiwan and the GOP loves it!
00:55:51 Biden kills Ayman al-Zawahiri
01:10:14 Bernie unhappy with the Inflation Reduction Act
01:10:41 Democrats make the case for the new Inflation Reduction Act
01:24:47 Republican John Barasso lie about the bill to protect the rich
01:26:42 Florida Republican Rick Scott is a liar
01:32:46 “Ain’t No Chairs” written and performed by Professor Mike Steinel
01:37:08 Professor Ben Burgis talks about his new column in The Nation outlining all the illegal coups America has conducted around the world
02:02:51 Dr. Philip Herschenfeld, Freudian psychoanalyst and Ethan Herschenfeld. What is a psychopath? Is Alex Jones one? Is Donald Trump a psychopath? And what did Freud mean when he said, “Biology is destiny”?
02:36:41 Emil Guillermo host of the PETA podcast and columnist for the Asian American Legal and Defense Association. Emil remembers Vin Scully and talks about phone bullies
03:02:36 Sean Hannity warns about “climate alarmists” at CPAC
03:03:40 Special Guest Dr. Joanne Lynn explains Monkeypox and the latest research on Alzheimer’s. Also The Rev. Barry W. Lynn explains why Alex Jones is evil
04:11:20 The Professors And Mary Anne: Professor Mary Anne Cummings, Ann Li, Jonathan Bick and Adnan Husain. We talk Alex Jones, Ukraine, Taiwan, What’s in Manchin-Schumer and Biden taking out Ayman al-Zawahiri. Plus Joe In Norway is in Spain cooking Spanish food
05:15:56 Dave In PA makes a wine glass out of wood
05:18:20 Professor Harvey J. Kaye, author of “British Marxist Historians” and Alan Minsky, executive director of Progressive Democrats of America
05:57:02 “Turtle” written and performed by Professor Mike Steinel