The Mop Up For January 22, 2021
Topics: You can’t restore a Democracy that never was; America’s soul needs free healthcare.
Guests With Time Stamps: 1:51 The Rev. Barry W. Lynn, Americans United for Separation of Church And State 35:26 Henry Hakamaki’s “Marxist Power Hour” with Professor Ashok Kumar and Grace Jackson 1:32:08 Professor Ben Burgis, Jacobin columnist and host of “Give Them An Argument” 2:02:07 Dr. Philip Herschenfeld, psychiatrist, and son Ethan, actor/comic 2:28:18 Burt Ross, columnist Malibu Times 2:56:23 Emil Guillermo, host of PETA Podcast and columnist for AALDEF 3:36:04 First Lady Melania Trump, AKA Martha Previte, and Jim Earl, Emmy and Peabody Award Winning Comedy Writer 4:04:05 Andrew Miller, press spokesman Industrial Workers of the World 4:37:03 Professor Mary Anne Cummings, and Professor Jonathan Bick 5:00:50 Professor Harvey J. Kaye, author of “FDR on Democracy” and Alan Minsky, executive director of Progressive Democrats of America 6:06:48 Dan Frankenberger in the newsroom with Community Billboard