Comedian Joe DeVito, Down With Tyranny’s Howie Klein, Mark Cevasco, Professor Harvey J. Kaye, Jacob Sager Weinstein and Professor Ben Burgis
Time Code: Howie Klein (1:04.6) Mark Cevasco (43:58.3) Professor Harvey J. Kaye (1:16:14) Joe DeVito (2:26:01) Jacob Sager Weinstein (3:02:27) Professor Ben Burgis (3:34:55)
In This Episode:
• Joe DeVito has another bad date.
• Howie Klein reports Todd Palin filed a restraining order against Sarah before filing for divorce.
• Congressman Ted Lieu’s Chief-of-staff Marc Cevasco tells us what’s next on impeachment.
• Jacob Sager Weinstein reports from London on Brexit. It’s worse than you think.
• Professor Ben Burgis worries Elizabeth Warren may not be as progressive as she lets on.
• Professor Harvey J. Kaye on Americans who hate democracy.
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